Happy new year! I've been absent from this space for a long, long time. We all have had to adapt to changes and roll with what came at us. Not being very present here was one of those adaptations. 2021 was another unique year and I really hope that everyone was able to end it on a good note.
I always take time to reflect and review at the end of each year no matter what kind of year it was. I think about what was great and what didn't work so well during the year, I take time to set goals, and figure out what I need to focus on in the next year. I think about the things I am grateful for from the year before and use that gratitude to start the next year on a positive and uplifting note.
One of the things on my gratitude list is that I pushed myself out of my comfort zone. I met new people with different points of view and experiences. They shared knowledge we learned things together. I got to learn things about myself and have developed new plans and ideas for what I will do next. Don't you just love when that lightbulb moment happens? I get so excited about new projects and when a great plan comes together. So, stay tuned! I will be sharing something very exciting in the first quarter of 2022. I hope you all stick around and I hope you will love it as much as I do!